(+33) 06 59 81 50 79 Paris, France


Strategic and tactical approaches in the marketing of Life Sciences Products and Services.

Participants gain a thorough understanding of the research and planning necessary to develop a marketing plan.

The relationship between the marketing and sales functions, pricing strategies, distribution alternatives, communications, promotion, importance of perception.

Communication to researchers, peers, shareolders and investment communities.

Prospection et ventes 4 heures Lundi 01-10-2019 Matinée Alain benoit
Les bases du Marketing 4 heures Lundi 01-10-2019 Après-midi Samuel Cazin
Intelligence économique 4 heures Mardi 02-10-2019 Matinée Fabienne Berthet
Appel d’offre 2 heures Mardi 02-10-2019 Après-midi Alain Benoit
Un environnement régulé 2 heures Mardi 02-10-2019 Après-midi Willy Mathot
  • Gestion relation presse
  • Présentation rapide (elevator pitch)
8 heures Mercredi 03-10-2019 toute la journée Jules Grandsire
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