(+33) 06 59 81 50 79 Paris, France


Survive the Valley of Death. Bringing a life science product on the market is an extraordinary and expensive adventure. Capital need and cash burn are extremely high and fast. Gain from insiders the knowledge and experience how to best raise funds aside from your usual family friends and fools.

From balance sheet and P&L to business plan 4 hours Mardi 14-05-2019 Matinée Stéphane Milot
Budget and financial management tools 4 hours Mardi 14-05-2019 Après-midi Stephane Milot
Financements par Business Angels 1 heure Mercredi 15-05-2019 Matinée Armelle Graciet
Non-dilutive financing 4 hours Mercredi 15-05-2019 Matinée Pinar Temel
From incubation to venture capital - round A 4 hours Mercredi 15-05-2019 Après-Midi Alain Lostis
Financements par les SATT 1 heure Jeudi 16-05-2019 Matinée Xavier Apolinarski
From round B to exit (sale, IPO …) 3 heures Jeudi 16-05-2019 Matinée Philippe Tramoy (Seventure)
Cash management 4 heures Jeudi 16-05-2019 Après-midi Jean-Philippe Tholas
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